When it comes to surviving the colder seasons with kids, it can become a struggle. Fortunately, parents know they can turn to Twisted Twinology for advice, adventure, and laughs. But that’s not the only way to cope. Try these entertaining ideas for keeping kids active and learning all year round.
Have an Escape Plan
A little bit of me-time is something every mom (and dad) needs. Your “escape plan” doesn’t need to be complicated – but you should have someone (ideally your partner) to tag in when you need a few minutes to yourself. Whether you need to go for a walk in the crisp air or head to the bathroom by yourself, make your needs known.
And if you’re feeling like a failure as a parent, know that you’re not alone. Those feelings of frustration are why we’ve come up with these ideas to keep your kids busy and your nerves from fraying.
Relax Your Standards
The upside of being stuck indoors during any season is that you don’t have to get gussied up to go anywhere. But one suggestion for both yours and your kids’ sanity is to relax your standards.
That means slipping into something comfortable like cozy leggings or a soft, cotton sports bra, and not requiring your kids to always change out of their pjs. Or saying yes to cereal for dinner one night instead of struggling to make a full meal.
You’ll all feel a bit rebellious, and those good vibes can carry you through otherwise tough days.
Get into the Kitchen
Heading into the kitchen might not sound very relaxing. But when you get the kids involved, it can be fun.
Teach little ones to use child-friendly kitchen tools, and get your older kids chopping. No matter what dish you’re whipping up, kids can learn kitchen skills to help out. You can even try a no-bake protein pop recipe that your little ones can help make and devour.
Indulge in Gaming (Together)
Screen time is best enjoyed in moderation – in fact, studies suggest that playing video games can even improve motor skills. But indulging together is an excellent way to spend time with your older kids. You can have your tween teach you how to play their favorite game and go head-to-head. Or, you might allow educational games as a supplement to schoolwork.
Either way, a strong internet connection is crucial – particularly if you’re working from home while your family’s online. Just remember to give your kids a solid crash-course in online safety before letting them loose.
Go for the STEAM
STEM refers to a discipline that encompasses science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – but that doesn’t mean it’s a boring school subject.
Modern STEM activities (many authorities add an A for art, so STEAM) incorporate physical challenges, adventures in building and exploration, and even getting a little messy.
And STEM counts as education, even when kids are having fun. As Kidpillar confirms, STEM is instrumental in kids’ development. It encourages kids to take chances, test theories, and think critically.
Ready to get science-y? Try STEM activities you can DIY at home, and your kids will be learning and experimenting throughout the fall and winter.
Get Moving in New Ways
Most kids are reluctant to slow down during the day, which parents who are stuck at home find chaotic. To help burn off their energy and hopefully, save your couch cushions, consider new ways to get moving.
Childhood 101 recommends ‘brain breaks’ with a lineup of YouTube channels that feature kid-friendly music, yoga, and more. Going on imaginary adventures with Cosmic Kids Yoga or learning dance routines to popular songs with Dance Sweat Live could help turn your day (or season) around.
Being home throughout the colder months can be challenging for kids of any age. But with these ideas, kids can find the excitement in sticking close to home. Plus, parents can find a bit of relief from the chaos that typically comes with the rainy season.
Carrie Spencer (Guest Writer)
My website is thespencersadventures.net.
Carrie Spencer created The Spencers Adventures to share her family’s homesteading adventures. On the site, she shares tips on living self-sufficiently, fruit and vegetable gardening, parenting, conservation, and more. She and her wife have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 3 goats, 32 chickens, and a whole bunch of bees. Their goal to live as self-sufficiently and environmentally-consciously as possible.